Showcase is quickly approaching! We are SO EXCITED to announce our 2018 t-shirt designs!
Order forms for shirts and DVDS will be available Monday, March 26th–be sure to pick one up!
DVDs will be professionally recorded and produced by Captured Moments by Heath Melton. Heath has over 20 years experience filming and creating DVDs for various dance shows, and we are so excited to see his work! DVDs make great gifts for out of town family! Will be ready for pick up 3-6 weeks after the show.
*Tshirt orders are due no later than Thursday, May 24th. DVDS can be ordered up until show date. Bouquet orders will be available as the event approaches.
**Please be sure to fill out order forms carefully and clearly, and remember to bring correct cash amount–we will not be able to give you change.
***SESD students: Please place form and payment in the tuition box.
****Northern Arts students: Please give form and payment to Miss Alex OR bring Thursday, April 26th to Picture day/Show meetings and give directly to Katherine.
As always, email [email protected] with any questions!
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