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Sign up to learn a dance to perform at the Greensboro Grasshopper game, or join our group for a fun night at the ballfield for their “Christmas Eve in July” event! Click here for more information for performers.

Tickets are $6 for performers, and $10 for other guests. Tickets are $6 for performers, and $10 for other guests. Tickets will NOT be sold through SESD this year; all tickets may be purchased through Groupmatics–more details to come!

Performers need to meet in our section by 6:10 and remain there until Grasshopper directors lead us to the field. After the performance, dancers will return to their parents and we can sit back and enjoy the game! SESD performers/guests do not have to stay the entire time, but our group is typically featured on the big screen during the 7th inning stretch.

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