We offer private lessons for technique and choreography (when applicable) in all styles. Private lessons are pending instructor and studio availability. If your dancer desires a private lesson, please email SESD’s director at [email protected] to discuss instructor and studio availability. Instructors cannot set up private lessons with students.
Rates may vary pending instructor’s availability and schedule and the level of difficulty at which a student is working. Private Lesson Rates are as follows:
- Technique Lesson:
- 30 Minutes: $30
- 45 Minutes: $40
- 1 Hour: $50
- Choreography Private Lesson Rates:
- Choreography Fee: $75 (Covers music/costume selections and orders, music editing, creating choreography, etc. and first 1-hour rehearsal)
- 45 Minute Rehearsal: $35 per session
- 1 Hour Rehearsal: $50 per session
Private lessons should be paid for prior to start time and can be paid by either check (payable to SESD) or cash. Please be sure to label your payment with “Private lesson -date-” so we can record it correctly.